Spelling Color in Australia: The Correct Way to Spell ‘Colour’ Down Under!

In Australia, the correct spelling is “colour” with a “u”, following British English conventions.

How Do You Spell Colour in Australia


When it comes to spelling, there are often variations between countries that speak the same language. One common example of this is the spelling of the word “colour.” In Australia, the spelling of this word is slightly different from other English-speaking countries like the United States and Canada. If you’ve ever wondered how to spell “colour” in Australia, this article will provide you with all the information you need.

Spelling in Australian English

Australian English has its own unique set of spelling conventions that differ from other varieties of English. One of the most notable differences is the use of British English spelling rather than American English spelling. This means that words like “colour” are spelled with a “u” in Australia, following the British convention.

Origin of the Spelling

The spelling of “colour” with a “u” in Australian English can be traced back to the influence of British English on the language. When Australia was colonized by the British in the 18th century, British English spelling conventions were brought over and became the standard in the country. As a result, words like “colour” continued to be spelled with a “u” in Australia, unlike in the United States where the spelling was simplified to “color.”

Usage in Australia

Today, the spelling of “colour” with a “u” is widely accepted and used in Australia. It is the standard spelling in official documents, publications, and educational materials. While some Australians may use the American spelling of “color” informally, especially online or in casual communication, the traditional spelling of “colour” is still the norm in formal contexts.

Acceptance of Both Spellings

It’s important to note that both spellings of “colour” are generally accepted in Australia. While the traditional spelling with a “u” is more common and preferred in formal writing, the American spelling without the “u” is also recognized and understood. This flexibility allows for some variation in spelling depending on the context and personal preference of the writer.

Differences in Pronunciation

Despite the difference in spelling, the pronunciation of the word “colour” remains the same in both Australian and American English. The word is typically pronounced as “kuh-luh” in both varieties, with the emphasis on the first syllable. This consistency in pronunciation helps to ensure that there is no confusion when using either spelling of the word.

Other Spelling Variations

While the spelling of “colour” is one of the most well-known differences between Australian and American English, there are other variations in spelling that exist between the two varieties. For example, words like “realize” and “organize” are spelled with an “s” in Australian English (“realise,” “organise”), following the British convention. These subtle differences in spelling reflect the unique linguistic history and influences that have shaped Australian English over the years.


In conclusion, the spelling of “colour” in Australia follows the British English convention, with a “u” included in the word. This spelling has its roots in the country’s colonial history and continues to be the standard in formal writing and communication. While both spellings of “colour” are accepted in Australia, the traditional spelling with a “u” is more commonly used and preferred. Understanding these spelling differences is important for anyone communicating in Australian English and helps to appreciate the linguistic diversity within the English language.